Release of JOSF 3.1.0

Our latest release introduces powerful new features like customizable test data generation, exportable playbook runs, and parallel test execution for playlists. You can now resize step editors, view playbook progress per test, and test web browser requests with ease. With improved workflows and new random functions, this update is designed to streamline your testing—download it now!

Parallel test execution

Add parallelization options to play lists

Setup a maximum number of tests to be run in parallel and even add a ramp-up as an interval before any next test is executed! This is adjustable per playlist in a playbook.

Improved playbook run screen

You can now view the progress of each test case in the upgraded playbook screen.

Record and test web browser network traffic

Enable network traffic

Do you want to test if the frontend sends the correct messages to the backend? It is now possible to capture this traffic and validate the API request and response in JOSF using the API actions.

Filter specific request and response messages

Use specific filters to collect the captured network traffic to use them in your test.

Execute tests against the captured network traffic

After capturing a specific request, you can execute API Call actions against it, like the validating response body

Panel layout improvements

Resize the step drawer

Click and hold the left side of the step drawer change the width of the panel. Double click resets it to the default size and draging it al the way to the right side will trigger a minimized menu! This size is maintained across JOSF.

Resize test step table

Upon opening a step, you can drag the width of the test step table to create more space for your test step editor. This width will be stored and used for each test step table. Double click the drag bar to restore its original width.

Improved data randomizer functions

JOSF now includes the Faker data library

The Faker library adds a lot of randomly generated data to your test case.

Improved function autocomplete

Most functions are now dot (.) separated and during the autocomplete on functions, this is now visible.

Export or print playbook reports

Print the playbook report

After pressing the ‘export run’ button, you can print the report to a PDF or a printer!

Show specific information or hide unnecessary details

Show only failed tests or collapse all test tables and add management summary before printing!

Action improvements

Improved data and object field names

Say goodbye to the Object and Data fields! The required fields for actions are now labled by what is expected. For example, all the verification actions now have a ‘Expected’ and ‘Actual’ field, in stead of the object and data fields.

Other improvements

Skip test case toggle

Sometimes you need to skip a test case during a playbook run. This toggle keeps your test in the playbook, but does not execute it and mark it as SKIP. Enabling this toggle requires you to fill in a Skip reason, to easily keep track of the reason this test case is skipped.

Issue tracker fields

On the test case details, you are now able to add an issue tracker link or comment.

Conditional groups mark falsy steps as warning

Previously, conditional groups based on test steps, would mark the executed step as FAIL or ERROR, when false. Now it will mark it warning (yellow)

License expiry notice

Is your license almost expired? You will receive a notification in JOSF of how many days until expiry.