Release notes
Added mocking to JOSF: Now includes the ability to mock API requests and other operations for testing.
Added JOSF Accessibility Testing: You can now start an accessibility scan to verify whether entire pages or specific elements comply with the accessibility rules you supply.
Added a maintenance screen to JOSF: This allows you to clean up test cases, storages, APIs, pages, and objects.
Added the Form filler to JOSF: This feature automatically scans a webpage and returns test steps you could use.
Added the ability to adjust page action titles in test scripts: You can now modify page action titles directly when using them in a test script.
Added a new date-time function: ${zonedDateTime()}: This function accepts a zoneId to allow for zoned dates and can be formatted or modified to suit your needs.
Improved drag-and-drop experience for input parameters in page actions, queries, and API request modeling.
Improved search performance in the step-drawer.
Improved step failing visibility: Making it easier to understand where a step failed.
Improved result messages for the “Wait for Object” action.
Visually revamped migration screen and data-driven table: Enhanced user experience for both migration tasks and the management of data-driven sheets.
Added a “Refresh Page Action” feature: A new option to refresh page actions in your test script if you’ve edited them in the meantime.
Added a “Edit Page Object” button in the page-object selector: Added an easy way to edit page objects from within your test steps.
Added a filtering feature for data-driven sheets: When coupling a data-driven sheet to a test case, apply a filter to use a subsection of the sheet.
Added autocomplete functionality for tags: Allows users to easily select from previously used tags.
Added the “Edit Model” option to the right-click context menu on steps from the step table: Enables easy editing of Query, Page Action, API Request, or Data Sheet models.
Added model ID to the tab-label tooltip.
Added a reference overview for data sheets in use: See an overview of the data sheets used in your project.
Added auto-unfolding of actions’ options when only options need to be applied.
Fixed an issue where disabled parameters, cookies, and headers in sent API requests were still shown even if they were disabled.
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to select a different action pack when changing the action type from within the step editor.
Fixed an issue where opening references in a preview would show no usages.
Fixed an issue where page objects could be dropped in non-object actions.
Fixed an issue where screenshots in conditionals without an open web browser would ignore the test.
Fixed an issue where setting unset buffers would return an error if those were kept empty.
Fixed an issue where text could overflow out of their containers in specific situations.
Fixed an issue where the scrollbar could disappear on the feature runner view when opening a step definition.
Fixed an issue where tab markers were not showing when parameters, headers, or cookies were present in an API request/response.
Fixed an issue where the VCS would fall into an error loop when you had insufficient rights to push.
Fixed an issue where variables from the test context did not append correctly to the autofill.
Fixed an issue where a data-driven table would not update if edited in a different JOSF tab.
Uncoupled pages and their respective actions and objects at the file-storage level: This reduces the chance of erroneous synchronized page actions through GIT.
Removed sheet type on data sheets.
Removed user-added notification commit from GIT integration to avoid unnecessary merge conflicts.
Fixed an issue where the autofill window would pop up without typing an $.
Fixed an issue where the save button wouldn’t always trigger in the API section.
- Refactored SOAP message sending to make use of the configured keystore
- Adjusted the way variables are translated to accommodate JSON structured text values
- improved the way SOAP messages get sent
- fixed an issue where passing JSON objects as a page action input value, would add unwanted slash-characters (“\”)
- Passwords are now obfuscated fields in the test script view
- Introduction of a new function to generate Time-based One Time Passwords: ${totp(secret)}
- Added a new action in the Common action pack; Execute JavaScript (without the need for an active web browser)
- A new feature which reports back whether functions are used incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where step result messages were still shown at the moment a step gets disabled
- Fixed an issue where non-active rows would still be executed in the datasheet repeater group.
- Fixed an issue where copying variables to the clipboard in the variable overview wouldn’t work.
- Fixed an issue where older/already removed input parameters were still present in the background, which could lead to strange behavior while starting a test case.
- Fixed an issue where dragging in a page object would cause an error.
- Fixed an issue where dragging items to the postcondition section could create duplicate step in stead of moving the step.
- Fixed an issue where retrieving JSON objects from an API request/response could result in a non-json object.
- Fixes an issue where it was possible to have a playbook report its result was INFO while actually it was PASS in some situations
- The behavior of rerunning failed test cases has changed when running them via JOSF CLI. Now it only runs the failed test cases, in stead of all test cases again.
- Fixed an issue, where it was not possible to upload files with a browser.
- Updated Selenium to version v4.25.0 to support Chrome versions up to 129.
- Fixed an issue where post condition step results were not cleared.
- Postconditions: Add a postcondition script to your test case, which always executes after your test case, even when your test case fails.
- Cerios Theme: We are proud to present our new color and typography theme, based on the Cerios group styleguide.
- Optimized licence validation and give an warning when a licence is about to expire.
- New action added to create and validate test data based on a regular expression (regex)
- The possibility to export playbook runs to a printable format
- New random functions to generate more types of test data are added
- Added helpful label names to an action’s object or data field and conditionally show this fields, based on what is required for that specific action.
- A rename of any object-data field to match the expectation per action
- Renewed the way of retrieving function variables, to make it possible for the future to add functions in a function-pack and function libraries.
- Add web drivers manually, by disabling the automatic driver download and upload your own drivers.
- A new feature that allows you to test web browser requests and responses. This makes use of the
- Custom user descriptions for your web actions. Shown in the logs, testcases and playbooks.
- In the test step table, the current active step is now highlighted
- View the playbook progress on a per-test basis
- Added an issue tracker field on the test case details
- Added JOSF version and a link to JOSF docs in the left-hand menu
- Sometimes tests fail, and we know they do; now there is a way to mark a test to skip and annotate the reason for it which is shown in the playbook run result.
- Parallel execution is now possible on a per playlist basis!
- JSON to input parameter! When adding input parameters on page actions, Database queries or API requests, you now have the option to add them based on a JSON file!
- Both the step drawer (right hand side menu) and the step list/editor are now drag-resizable.
- The conditional repeater of the type Test step in conditional groups is now logged as WARNING rather than FAIL/ERROR if the condition is NOT TRUE, as this is much clearer when looking back in your reports and logs.
- Action options now have descriptions to clarify its possibilities
- Chrome drivers now automatically hide the search engine choice popup.
- The default setting for the page actions overview has been changed to the list view.
- Renamed the web browser action pack to the more consistent name “Web browser actions”
- Fixed an issue where if all teststeps are skipped, the testcase still would return passed or undefined as result.
- Fixed an issue where you could make duplicate data driven tables.
- Fixed an issue for the JUnit reporter to include failure messages of any failed step that is inside of a group
- Fixed an issue where the delete icon for option list items fell off the viewable area.
- Renaming of environments and environment variable names can now be done if only casing is changed.
- Fixed an issue where importing Swagger files with property types of “object” that are not defined further, would return an exception.
- Fixed an issue where removing the last row of a data storage, would also remove all known variables.
- Improved performance during a large number of tests
- Fixed an issue where duplicating nested groups would cause incorrect behavior.
- Fixed an issue where renaming a variable in the datasheet to “name” or “active” would crash the application.
- Fixed an issue where data driven variables wouldn’t append to the autocomplete.
- Prevent loading corrupted certificate files into the Java keystore.
- Explicitly added a certificate ignore to headless browsers, if required
- Added additional logging for debugging purposes during CLI runs
- Fixed an issue where reporting of tracked repeating groups would not represent all executed iterations.
- Fixed an issue where you could’nt rename folders in the explorer.
- Fixed a visual issue where the steps of disabled page actions were still visable.
- Fixed an issue where the JOSF CLI would not execute tests properly
- Fixed opening the page model from the page-action preview pop-up, if it concerned a filtered result.
- Fixed an issue where disabled steps were marked as failed in the CLI JUnit report.
- Placed the full name of page-actions, data sheets, API requests and Database Queries in the hover tooltip inside the step-drawer.
- Visual improvements.
- Made it possible to add teststeps by double clicking on them.
- Add filtered tags of test cases in the playlist overview.
- Fixed an issue where the test run would not pause/stop after specific failing situations.
- Fixed an issue where the paginator of data driven tables was not attached correctly.
- Fixed an issue where test cases would jump to an unsaved state, without altering the testcase.
- Fixed an issue where the save button did not trigger when adding resources to an API model.
- Fixed an issue where removing resources from an API model, would not update the front-end.
- Performance improvements.
- Fixed an issue where refreshing the page did not reload any model-caching.
- Fixed an issue where the code editor would not change its data on step editor changes.
- Fixed an issue where in some situations during step-by-step execution, the next step was not marked properly.
- Fixed an issue where untouched input parameters were not set to an empty value during test execution.
- Fixed an issue where the generated CLI command was not working for project paths.
- Improved performance during a test run.
- New action API cookie with sub actions to extract information from a API cookie like its value, or its meta-data!
- Added extra logging for when input parameters are set, when using parameterized page actions, api requests or database queries.
- Fixed an issue where stopping a test after a failed step, would not trigger. Also renamed this preference setting to a more global name, as it involves more than just browser tests.
- Fixed an issue where the file chooser on input parameters would not show up
- Fixed an issue where renaming pages, databases or data sheets from their respective file overview, would not update their models, when opening their models in a tab-view.
- Minor performance improvements
- Made improvements on deleting Pages that are not referenced anywhere
- Fixed an issue where pressing the alt-button, caused performance issues on Windows machines. The edit-view in the test script editor is now mapped to
control + e
- Fixed an issue where it would be not possible to remove folders from the page-objects overview
- Fixed an issue where the playbook runner would style too big, which made it impossible to use the stop button
- Fixed an issue where importing a CSV file with decimal floating points, into the data-driven table, would split on the floating point (1,5 would become 5)
- Fixed some performance related issues
- Minor dependency patch updates
- fixed an issue where, in some specific situation, data-driven variables where not replaced by actual values, but instead became empty.
- Add BIC container generator function in variables with
- Revamped the front-end UI
- A new and intuitive design for the test script
- An advanced test step debugger, to get full control over debug sessions
- An overview of request-response pairs per test session
- Tabs in JOSF to have more than one test case, page-action, api request, etc… open at the same time
- Use of system proxy settings
- Underwater updates to dependent automation libraries
- A verified and signed Windows installer
- Improvements to GIT commit speeds
- HTTPS Protocol in API Definitions: Now, if a URL is defined, the protocol is extracted from the URL.
- GIT Hang-up Issue Resolved: Fixed an issue where deleting items such as a Testcase caused GIT to hang, showing ‘Changed 0 files’.
- Unsaved Changes Warning: Enhanced user experience by adding a warning message when navigating away from a datasheet with unsaved changes.
- Datasheet Repeater Playback: Addressed the issue where the datasheet repeater only played once without recording results. The root cause was linked to page actions.
- Dynamic Image/Animation Endpoint: Added functionality for fetching images from an endpoint for dynamic images and animations, including settings configuration.
- Tooltip Text Correction: Corrected an issue where a letter was missing in the tooltip for the datasheet.
- Enable tracking for repeating groups that have a data sheet. Your test reporting now includes all repeated iterations when using a data sheet as a repeating condition.
- In the API request editor, you can now select what type of data the body is, including the new from-data style.
- When implementing undefined step arguments containing a <variable>, JOSF will in-place convert these to ${variables}
- Updated back-end dependencies for some under-the-hood improvements
- Fixed an issue where API requests, including spaces, where not sent correctly
- Fixed an issue where very large variable-values where not parsed correctly
- Fixed an issue where the variable-autocomplete did not save the value in some cases
- Data base modelling
- Add your MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server configuration to JOSF
- Create parameterized queries and execute them from test cases
- Validate or extract data from your query results
- API to test case;
- Upon importing an API definition, you can choose to immediately create testcases, based on each type of response code
- Create new tests from the API request view
- API requests now accept input parameters and show these test cases, just like page actions do
- Advanced playlist filter queries
- CLI command configurator
- Every input field now contains a autocomplete for available variables
- Bugfixes;
- Fixed an issue where a given JSONPath did not give the same result in the front- and back-end
- Fixed an issue where duplicating older page actions (before 2.15) was not working
- Under the hood performance improvements
- Added a project preference to download drivers automatically.
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the proxy settings could interfere with the systems proxy settings.
- Fixed an issue where the Chrome drivers did not download, for versions of Chrome higher than v115.
- Note that the Download driver buttons will not be functional – these will be removed in a future version.
- Also note that the proxy setting for “Use proxy for downloading webdrivers” is not functional anymore, and is merged with the “Use proxy during web browser tests” option.
- Fixed an issue where the setPartialTextBuffer action was unable to find the variable name to place the data in
- Fixed an issue where the Wait – timed pause would open a browser
- Fixed an issue that occurred when using not-set variables as values in data-driven runs. It used to to replace unknown variables with an empty value, but this should not be the case for variables used in data-driven runs
- Fixed an issue where the password prompt for project protection would show incorrect, when it is a valid password
- Fixed an issue where the secrets storage file would not be committed in git-enabled projects.
This fix requires you to re-enable project protection and optionally remove the current security/__STORAGE file, which is replaced by the security/__STORAGE.jks file
- Fixed an issue where the Wait – Timed pause action opens a web browser
- Fixed an issue where the Keyboard – Type text – Clear field option would not clear fields in specific situations
- Quick drawer
- Drag and drop all actions, page actions, API calls and data sheets to build the tests
- Simplified and improved actions
- Where first there were 90+ actions for maximum flexibility, now only 9 remain with the same customization options
- Secrets
- Enable protection to your project and store encrypted secrets safely
- Data driven reports
- Select specific data driven runs from your test editor
- Review each data driven run individually after completion
- File repository and manager
- Upload and use files in JOSF
- Use the file data type to select a specific file in your tests
- Page object explorer
- Create and review page actions from your test scripts
- Rerunning failed tests
- Rerun any (failed) test script from the playbook run view
- Typed input parameters for page actions
- Create building block that help your JOSF user base by guiding them with different types of input parameters:
- Passwords to hide sensitive data from test scripts
- Use choice to enable or disable a specific set of test steps
- Create suggestions to develop test cases and data faster
- Use code to provide a large text area in the test step
- Make use of files and file locations with the file type
- Create building block that help your JOSF user base by guiding them with different types of input parameters:
- View variables
- View, edit or favorite your current variables in the test session
- Power off feature
- A new power off button to self-shutdown JOSF
- View logging
- View any logging that JOSF does from your preferences. Helpful when debugging or requesting support from a JOSF Engineer
- Drag and drop improvements
- Be able to drag and drop in and out of (inner)groups or opened page actions from within the test case editor
- Solved an issue that could occur where in specific situations descriptive groups would not run correctly.
- Solved an issue where if
was set to false, it still connected to the browser version repository. - Performance improvements regarding large playbook runs
- Added the NTLM authentication method to API requests
- One click synchronization
- Connect your local project with those of your team mates
- integrate seamlessly with GIT
- Supports all major GIT platforms
- Jump to test case
- Easily jump to test cases and feature scenario’s from ran playbooks
- Duplicate page actions and objects
- Improved selection (autocompletion dropdowns) for API calls
- View usages of page actions and API calls
- Some bugfixes
2.14.1 – 2.14-4
- Improvements in the syncronisation process when using a proxy
- Performance improvements
2.14-5 – 2.14.8
- Added new playbook run chart: Performance chart
A chart that displays the execution times of each ran step with the possiblity to filter on API responses only. - Added the max loop count to the compare repeater
- Fixes page actions’ ran steps in test cases that contain duplicate page actions
- Multi projects
- Create multiple projects in JOSF
- Add existing projects or create new ones to keep your projects separated
- Your current JOSF project will be added automatically
- The CLI runner accepts an optional
option, to switch between projects.
- Groups in groups
- You are now able to add all types of groups as a step
- Create groups in page actions, test cases or in step definitions
- All group types are supported
- User experience improvements
- Improved designs to help create test cases more efficient
- Folder structure for step definitions and API Modelling
- Other improvements:
- Upload your license key file from JOSF
- Toggle test steps or groups of steps on or off
- When no object is given, the current onscreen active object is used to perform the action on
- Copy/paste steps and groups from one place to another, even over separate testcases, page actions or scenarios
- Keep test context open during test case or feature scenario creation
- new feature: Configuration of proxy settings.
- new feature: Add certificates to JOSF to make use of certified HTTPS connections, when your machine does not contain the certificate by default.
- new feature: Skip SSL connection validation.
- new test step: Add data sheet. An extension of the data driven storages. Add a data sheet as a test step and select what row of data needs to be converted to variables. This selection can be exact by row name, random selected or by adding a filter to a column.
- improvement: Download web driver updates from the browser settings instantly. JOSF keeps doing this automatically on JOSF startup, but when your browsers update, you now don’t need to restart JOSF to get the latest web driver updates aswell.
- small UI improvements.
- Fixed an issue where the browser was unable to start, when using the proxy
- Fixed a performance issue when importing large csv files for the data driven storage table
- Added pre-emptive authentication to the basis authentication in API Requests
- Added individual proxy options
- Fixed an issue where the feature runner does not handle the skip breakpoint toggle correctly
- Fixed an issue where quotes in buffers could prevent the test step from executing
- new feature: Add a maximum loop count to your repeating groups. Also works with
syntax. - improved action: the Verify node value has the tilde (~) operator which validate that the node contains the given value
- Given a node value is
hello world
, the Verify node value with data~world
will pass as well as~hello
- Given a node value is
- improvement: For the keyboard users, we’ve implemented some handy features to get around quickly.
- improvement: JOSF is now packaged with a compatible Java version (windows only).
- improvement: during JOSF installation, you can change your installation destination.
- fix: you can now use buffers in functions like,
${dateTime(HH:mm, +${minutes}m)}
, given${minutes}
has a value of 3 for example. - various minor bug fixes
- new feature: New conditional group option; the comparator.
- this comparator accepts a first and second value and a set of preset comparators will conditionally execute the group.
- improvement: Actual ran test steps stored in the playbook run.
- when using page actions, the actual ran test steps are now stored in the run, instead of a reference to the action
- new function: ${dateTime()}
- The dateTime function aims to combine the ${today()} and ${now()} function. Check the docs!
- some performance improvements
- new feature: new test step group view
- directly run an entire group
- convert your group into a new page action
- fulfill buffers on group/step execution
- drag/drop steps over different groups
- new feature: inline page-action editting:
- when you use page actions in your tests, you can now directly edit these on-the-fly.
- new feature: inline API request/responses
- when you run your API requests from a test, you can directly view the sent request and response inline.
- new feature: fulfledged feature editor, with;
- syntax highlighting
- gherkin formatting (handy for your tables: right click->format)
- autocomplete for defined step definitions
- directly add/edit step definitions
- Gherkin hints and errors
- improvement: file viewer for testcases and page object models
- improvement: duplicate test cases
- improvement: sticky save button
- improvement: when objects are not found, include the used locator in the error message
- improvement: store formatted versions of objects so that comparing in your VCS works better
- overall performance improvements
- new feature: The dashboard is here!
- With the first three charts in place, you have more control over the status of your application under test!
- The results over time graph lets you zoom in to a per day result.
- The results of the last 5 run playbook runs, give a detailed overview of the status per run.
- And then you have the option of adding your own favorite playbooks, to keep a keen eye on those as well!
- new function: custom date formats
- The
function accepts 0, 1 or 2 paramaters now. - The new format accepts a date format as the first paramater, with a second for adding/subtracting dates.
${today(YYYY-MM-dd, 0)}
will parse 2021-03-25, given the date is 2021-03-25. The extra 0 adds no days to the current date, but is required- improvement: Selenium web driver binaries update themselves. Now, when updating your browser, JOSF updates the required drivers automatically!
- improvement: A new clean look for navigation
- We’ve shifted around the navigation, so that you have a clear overview of where you are and what you can do with JOSF.
- Also added an expand/collapse to the menu, so that you have the most usefull view for your situation.
- improvement: A new clean look for the feature overview
- We’ve made some adjustments to how the feature overview looks.
- Now it feels more like the file browser it is.
- improvement: the storage for the driver list has moved to the settings folder under testcases.
- This especially is handy for those who want to use JOSF in CICD software, where only the testcases folder is under source control.
- Some bugs squashed
- The breadcrumb now also works in the feature explorer
- When debugging, your action play button for web actions is disabled to prevent unintended double actions.
- The ambigious step screen now has a close button
- When running a JOSF CLI command with the environment toggle, it didn’t complete the testrun properly.
- new feature; Data driven test cases and Scenario Outline/templates
- Make your test cases and feature files more efficient with the new data driven function
- Feature files now support the Scenario Outline syntax to execute the same scenario with different examples
- Test cases now support the use of Data Driven storages. Tables that include a test run name and your variables
- Import and export to Excel or CSV, to easily share and edit the data
- Autocompletes known variables on the data field in test cases
- new feature; Get system variable
- Especially for security purposes, you can now collect the system’s environment variables instead of setting security sensitive data in JOSF
- Given the key
is set as an environment variable,${getEnvVar(USERNAME)}
will get this from the system - This could be used in pipeline software
- new feature; Data generator functions
; Can have 0, 1 or 2 parameters;- 0 parameters: gets random text with random length:
- 1 parameter: sets the length of the text:
– gets a random text of 7 characters - 2 parameters: sets the length of the text and sets it to upper or lower text:
${randomText(7, uppercase)}, ${randomText(7, lowercase)}
– gets a random text of 7 characters with uppercase or lowercase text. noteuppercase
can be interchanged withupper
for short.lowercase
can be interchanged withlower
for short.
- 0 parameters: gets random text with random length:
; Can have 0 or 2 parameters- 0 parameters: gets a random number
- 2 paraters: define upper and lower boundaries:
${randomNumber(-20, 30)}
– gets a random number between these boundaries
: Can have 0, 1 or 2 parameters- 0 parameters: gets a random combination of text and numbers
- 1 parameter: gets a random combination of text and numbers with a limited amount of characters
- 2 parameters: gets a random combination of text and numbers, and sets to upper or lower case (same as ${randomText()} function)
- new feature; JOSF CLI reporting
- JUnit reports are generated after a playbook run
- When the playbook run contains failed tests/scenario’s, JOSF CLI exists with -1. This means that pipeline software will break on failed tests
- A quick overview of test results will show from the JOSF CLI
- improvement; import of WSDL API definitions
- improvement;
action use without an object, will not open a browser anymore; handy for setting data during API tests - further improvements;
- Creating a new Feature file generates a template to better understand it’s syntax
- Leave page with unsaved changes directly saves (if chosen to) if you want to leave, instead of just reminding you to save
- Importing an unkown API definition (not swagger or WSDL) will show an error now
- Numerous UX/UI improvements
- new action pack; API actions; we’ve added an action-pack that allows the validation of API responses.
- new function; Cloud web driver providers
- We’ve enabled the use of cloud web driver providers.
- If you’d like to test on different platforms/devices, that’s now possible and easily configurable.
- We’ve added SauceLabs as a possible provider
- improvement; adding local web drivers (browsers) through easy configuration
- improvement; Debugging test cases
- You can set a break point for a specific test step in your test cases.
- This will pause the test execution, and let’s you step over the test steps one by one
- improvement; Multiple object strategies for Page Objects
- You can add more than one strategy to your page objects
- JOSF will combine all of these into one strategy so you can easily find objects
- You can also tell JOSF to find not the first, but second, third, etc object it found with a specific strategy (called index)
- new object strategy;
.- When using the object strategy
, it will find objects with the @id attribute containing the wordworld
- When using the object strategy
- [PRO] new function; API testing. Include or import your API documentation and start testing them with JOSF PRO
- import API documentation from Swagger or OpenAPI definition files (URLs and raw)
- document your team’s API’s with the help of requests
- use your request directly in your test cases or step definitions
- combine API and Browser testing with the same ease-of-use you are used to in JOSF
- new function; Environments. Create different environments to quickly switch from one environment to another
- store and use environment variables for direct use in your tests
- minimize maintenance
- new function; Pages & Objects; Create reusable components in JOSF
- create frequently used objects and actions and refer to them directly in your tests for reuse
- customize page actions with input parameters
- minimize maintenance and manage objects and actions from one place
- improvement; Page Scanner; We’ve improved the page scanner, so that you can use more filters (like search on text) and made it easier to define what element you are looking for
- improvement; JOSF CLI. You can use your environment in your CLI. Open the documentation in JOSF to see how it works
- improvement; JOSF CLI. JOSF CLI now waits for the playbook run to be completed.
- improvement; meta data for test cases
- further tweaks and visual improvements to make the JOSF experience even better
- [PRO] new function; CLI; Run your playbooks from the CLI runner. locally or from your CI/CD pipeline solution
- new function; Playbook! Create collections of runnable test cases and features and run them all in sequence.
- new function; Tags. Tag your test cases, features and scenarios for ease of access and re-use them in a playbook.
- bugfix; some features failed to open in edit mode. Got that fixed!
- bugfix; trashed malformed step definitions threw an error. Now they don’t.
- bugfix; opening new step definitions with step arguments wouldn’t open. Now they do.
- new function; Data tables as step arguments for gherkin features. Your step definitions can now contain six different types of data tables. (check out our tutorial).
- new function; Iterate over data table rows with the new
data table repeater
. - new function; drap-and-drop. Why wasn’t it already here… anyway, you can now change the order of groups and test steps by dragging them around!
- new function; duplicating test steps. That’s handy!
- new function; groups for step definitions.
- new group type: Conditional; Use this group to execute some steps in specific conditions!
- new function; JOSF Settings. You can now edit:
- the JOSF api url;
- the default browser;
- the default base url;
- bugfix; in some cases, debugging your tests, didn’t went as smooth as we meant;
- pausing while in descriptive groups, exited the test run
- when pausing and stopping a test executing, the next run continues from that point.
- When JOSF is unable to startup, you will be notified of the reason, e.g. the current port is already in use.
- Also, when upgrading JOSF, instead of performing any manual actions, the installation script will do that for you!
JOSF 2.1 comes packaged with lots of new stuff. On top of that, we’ve smashed some nasty bugs!
- new action; newWindow: opens new tabs within the current browser session
- new action; setPartialTextBuffer: it’s possible to set a part of a text into a buffer.
- new function; groups! You can group a set of test steps, to keep your test cases neat and tidy.
- bugfix; using buffers in test objects wasn’t working. Now it does.
JOSF 2.0 is a completely new JOSF Application, which features;
- New ways creating your test cases!
- Advanced debugging, while developing your test case!
- A new lightweight front-end Angular App as the default interface
We’ve replaced the Drupal front-end with an Angular app, which allowed us to deliver a light-weight JOSF experience! Our main priority remains; Test automation for everyone! That’s why we’ve been working hard on giving you the tools to create test cases, quickly!
New debugging tools will give you the power to quickly find and automate those difficult web elements. Also, the light weight interface will allow you to navigate fluently through JOSF!
There is more to look forward! The following features will be included in future releases of JOSF.
- Writing gherkin Features (you know, just like Cucumber and SpecFlow!)
- Making use of the powerful Page Object Modal Design Pattern for your test cases.
- Chaining different types of tests and executing them using the new Play book feature.
Note that test cases created in versions before JOSF 2.0 are not yet transferrable to the latest version of JOSF. If you need to update and migrate your current test set, please let us know by contacting us!
- Added the highlight action. Useful for debugging!
- Added the verifyWindowTitles action
- Bugfix; when an empty test is run, JOSF no longer produces an error message!
- Bugfix; when the JOSF API is unresponsive, a useful error message is shown
- Some under the hood changes to make our work as JOSF developers more easy!
- Bumped version of Selenium Server from 3.4.0 to 3.11.0
- Selenium IDE new import method for SIDE files (check out our tutorial).
- Tweaked on actions
- select
- sendKeys
- Deprecated: authenticateAlert
- The use of dynamic dates and timestamps as test data (check out our tutorial)
This release pack a couple of extra actions and we’ve fixed some bugs!
- windowResize, windowMaximize
- dragdrop, dragdropAndWait, dragAndDrop, dragAndDropAndWait, dragAndDropToObject, dragAndDropToObjectAndWait
- createCookie
- uncheck, uncheckAndWait
- refresh, refreshAndWait
Bug fixes
- open action updated: listens to data in the test object & test data fields, simply because Selenium IDE places the data in the object field.
- When importing invalid Selenium IDE scripts, error handling is improved by telling the erroneous line number
Other things we did
- Replaced the former name (testautomaat) with JOSF in most of the interfaces.
This release comes with a couple of extra features:
- You can now add your own test action classes to your running JOSF instance. Want to make your own actions? Contact us!
- Multiple buffers (variables) per test data row is now supported
- Buffers in test objects are now supported
initial release